Accessibility and Reasonable Adjustment Policy
Generation is committed to supporting and making its (free) programmes available and accessible to a wide range of people from diverse backgrounds facing a variety of barriers to employment.
Across all its activity, Generation will aim to select and support candidates where we can have the most impact whilst operating within the constraints of our funding and resourcing models.
We recognise some learners may have specific needs to engage with support, and are specifically committed to supporting those where this applies in line with its mission to support those facing barriers into desirable work.
This policy lays out Generation’s approach to ensure this, including specifically with regards to reasonable adjustments made in/during…
(i) Admissions and outreach when building awareness and assessing learner fit for programmes
(ii) Bootcamp onboarding
(iii) On- and post- programme/bootcamp support
(iv) On-course assessments and certification (including with external providers/qualifications)
Generation does not receive specific funding to support high needs learners, however it manages its own funding and resourcing received from multiple sources to ensure wide access and maximal access in pursuit of its charitable missions.
Admissions and Outreach
When promoting programmes, receiving and processing applications to maximise accessibility Generation commits to:
Promotion and assessment process
- Include this policy on our website for visibility
- Promote widely over multiple channels including via partners working with disadvantaged and under-represented communities to build wide awareness of opportunities
- Explain the application process/stages, selection criteria and programme details (including hours and format) clearly on a programme webpage, in an information session (with a recording) and in email communications
- Make available a point contact (email address) on every programme webpage for enquiries regarding the programme including from individuals who may need an adjustment to the process or need information in a different format to that provided and provide such information in large font or verbally (e.g. over a phone call/recording) where requested
- Include a question box in every online application process allowing applicants to specify any adjustments they may need to be able to effectively complete an application
- Make reasonable adjustments to the application process specific to the needs of a learner where requested by applicants to include, but not necessarily limited to and only where affordable and proportionate with a final decision from the Head of Admissions, adjusting …
- Whether an interview/stage is conducted ‘live’ or via a video call
- Format of receipt of assessment (e.g. send via attachment) rather than inputted into the system, where possible
- Use of technological adaptations such as closed captioning
- Ask all applicants (who reach the right stage) if they need a (i) laptop, (ii) wifi connection, (iii) and/or secure workspace to access the course if successful consistently and effectively when delivered digitally
- Ask applicants (where we have specific allocated funding to support the costs, with Board approval) if they need childcare support
Selection process
- We design selection criteria for programmes that give weight to candidates who face a wide range of barriers to employment and who are motivated by the course and target profession
- We do not make adjustments that change the selection criteria or scoring mechanisms to assess applicants
- We do not select candidates onto programmes who do not meet minimum requirements for English language proficiency, technical and/or reasoning skills
- We do not select candidates who say they are unavailable for the whole programme
- We do not select candidates who meet eligibility criteria including right to work (with documents checked), age criteria and address/location with these specified in application pages based on information they provide in the application process
- We conduct a “Support Needs Conversation” (SNC) with a Generation mentor who has received specific training to identify, document in an open conversation the needs an applicant has and support they may require to be successful on course and in the end role
- Assessment will cover areas including, but not necessarily limited to in relation to physical health difficulties, additional home responsibilities (e.g. childcare), learning difficulties and SEND, mental ill health, and financial situation
- Assessments will lead to a categorisation of learners into 4 (“RAYG”) categories as summarised and described in detail with examples here
- Red – significant issue likely to be significantly prohibitive to engagement with support
- Amber – an issue or difficulty that will enable engagement with support, and for which there is an identifiable management plan
- Yellow – no current specific issue or difficulty, yet evidence of a historic challenge, with the expectation that additional support may be required but is unlikely
- Green – no disclosed specific issues, difficulties or needs
- Select and make offers to candidates in a priority order in line with application score (up to the number of places available) and actively positively scoring candidates for barriers and challenges they face to work including those including in the RAYG assessment.
- Select in line with the RAYG assessment noting the following guidelines
- No reds with all cross-referred to other opportunities, without specific approval from the Head of Learning and Inclusion
- Only more than 20% amber with specific approval from the Head of Learning and Inclusion
- Only more than 30% yellow with specific approval from the Head of Learning and Inclusion
- Conduct a multi-team selection meeting to review applicant details and moderate and peer review assessments and plans
- Refer all candidates who we do not offer support to other opportunities with at least an email recommendation
Where applicants wish to appeal Generation’s decision process they may refer to and follow-up our appeals process.
Bootcamp onboarding and access
We will actively support learners who need to access the course and commit to:
- Loan a laptop, dongle/wifi connection, and/or headset/webcam (i.e. technical equipment) for learners to access remote training and support on programme and for up to 6 months post-programme (or until a job is secured), with the expectation that equipment is swiftly returned to Generation (at Generation’s cost) after this point.
- Equipment will have defined specifications set by Generation and at all times remain property of Generation
- Cover the cost of childcare, where Generation (with Board approval) have specific dedicated funds to support this, where learners have accessed and maximised governmental support they are eligible for and where such childcare would allow them to attend a course where they otherwise could not (with guidance provided to learners on how to choose)
- Generation has only a limited budget to cover such support and each request will be approved, within this budget, by an Operations Manager from the Curriculum, Mentorship & Instruction team or Growth Strategy Manager who oversees the initiative.
- Provide free access to a secure workspace where learners need and request and have no other safe, accessible and well-connected space to quietly work and engage with support
- Generation has only a limited number of spaces for this in certain regions to be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis where a need has been identified.
- Where requests exceed capacity, Generation will commits to work on a case by case basis with applicants or learners to find and cover the cost of additional space with the cost to be approved by the Director of Growth, Data and Operations within the
On- and post- programme/bootcamp support
For every learner onboarded to a Generation programme, we have the same ambitious targets for learning, upskilling, progress and job outcomes with the same curriculum and overall learning objectives.
All learners will also receive the same minimum level of access (in terms of hours) to the instructor, mentor, coach, placement manager and any other Generation personnel involved in support.
Additional instructor or coach time (including for example for the teaching of technical, soft and employability skills) will then be chosen and provided on the basis of assessed ability and achievement not other needs.
Beyond this we will endeavour to provide full and effective support and reasonable adjustments to learners we onboard. This includes committing to:
- Make an individual support needs and action plan with every learner before the first week of the course including documented steps for managing any challenges or adjustments they need of predict
- Make reasonable adjustments to on-course or during support sessions (e.g. with mentors or coaches) including, but not limited to and where affordable and with the ultimate approval of the Head of Learning and Inclusion, and where candidates have a need, disability, or specific circumstance where the change would specifically improve their ability to access and benefit from our support.
- Use of closed captioning (or other assistive technology) on live sessions
- Provision of material print-outs
- Provision of material in advance of sessions
- Timetable adjustments (e.g. with missed and catch-up sessions)
- Such adjustments will be documented in learners’ individual support plans
- Provide additional 1:1 mentorship sessions for learners with a specific need (initially assessed as or moving to amber or yellow, or due to an arising challenge or risk to support engagement) on course and for up to 6 months post-course
When working with placing learners with employer partners after the bootcamp of Generation we will endeavour to matchmake learners to opportunities and interviews at our employer partners where we predict (based on a combination of employer preference and requirements, learner preferences and relative ability compared to on-course peers) the best chance of achieving employment in the target role.
Where learners have required reasonable adjustments for on-course support and/or there is a need for them when interviewing with employers, Generation will communicate that need to the employer partner to encourage they make adjustments in the spirit of this policy. Generation colleagues (including mentors, coaches and placement managers) will also support learners to effectively explain their needs and requests to employers where they may apply for work that are not specifically partners of Generation.
If an individual requires additional support during the employer onboarding process to transition successfully into work, Generation will look to support learners effectively. Where Generation does not have the expertise (e.g. accessibility equipment provision, medical equipment/plans, etc) Generation will signpost graduates to organisations where that care can be effectively provided.
For those who have been highlighted as requiring significant additional support, Generation will increase its post-programme check-in’s with the learner to ensure that they are transitioning into work effectively and supported well with the employer.
On-course assessments
For on-course assessments administered by Generation there will be no change in the scoring rubric depending on candidate situation. However we commit to make reasonable adjustments to allow learners to be treated and assessed and for all assessments fairly, and to give fair and equal opportunities for learners to demonstrate their knowledge.
- Reasonable adjustments we may make may include, but not be limited to with ultimate approval by the Head of Learning and Inclusion the following
- Changing standard assessment arrangements, e.g. allowing learners extra time to complete the assessment
- Adapting assessment materials or use of assistive technology
- The provision of resits
- Adjustments will only be made where such an adjustment does not make the assessment easier ir give the learner an unfair advantage, reflects the learners normal easy of working, and is based on the learner’s individual needs.
- Access arrangements or use of a separate (virtual) room or zoom room
- Use of word processing or other assistive technology.
Generation will also take into account any one off extenuating circumstances where a specific and unpredicted event, outside of any stakeholder’s control may have led to an inability to effectively sit an assessment. In these instances a request to change or edit a mark or assessment score will be approved by the Head of Learning and Inclusion on a case by case basis.
When working with external examination bodies, Generation will make every reasonable effort to communicate reasonable adjustments the learner requires to that body and pass on, endorse, and advocate for special consideration (and/or appeal) in the case of extenuating circumstances. Decisions of external bodies will be outside Generation’s control, however Generation will cover the cost of resits where such a request is not approved by the external body.
Other notes
Across all activity in this policy, safeguarding takes priority as described in the Safeguarding Policy.
Where programmes or events are delivered in person, Generation’s in person policy will apply.
For questions on this policy, and for approval for deviations, please contact Mangala Nanda, Generation’s Chief Learning Officer, by