Javeriyah | AWS re/Start

Javeriyah is an AWS Re/Start graduate. She took part in the programme in London and completed it in May 2019. Before joining the Generation bootcamp, Javeriyah had graduated from university but was struggling to find a job.
“When I first saw the AWS restart ad, I just felt like it was an amazing opportunity, the syllabus consisted of all the topics I was passionate about and it looked like a lot of fun too.
I found the Networking module the most challenging but it was also one of the most informative and beneficial modules, [my tutor] taught it so well, to this day, I haven’t seen any other learning site, course, teacher, [or] Youtube video teach that content as well as [my tutor] did.
Even though it was intense, I’m grateful for going through so much in the syllabus. It really made the transition into the workplace much easier.
I had a pretty tough couple of years before joining the bootcamp, and a lot of other students had their tough stories too. It was nice having real conversations about mental health and life and giving each other motivation to move forward. When you’re mentally doing good, then that in turn will have such a positive impact on your ambition and work.
It changed my life. The moment I tell anyone I’m an AWS Re/Start graduate, I get so much more respect and trust. I get to work on really cool big projects every day. I wouldn’t be the level I am today without the bootcamp and the help of Generation UK.”
Javeriyah took part in a Generation video encouraging others to join the AWS RE/Start programme:
“When some people discovered the initial Generation UK video, it was shared within the local community. I was overwhelmed by the messages I would receive from young brown or Muslim girls, all saying they never thought they could break into Cloud engineering but after seeing that video they now want to try.”
“If you want something go for it, and utilize every second, be optimistic, learn as much as you can and in the long run it will be worth it.”
If you could describe the programme in one word, what would you say?
“The programme is a door, and if it opens the opportunities are endless”.
Since graduating Javeriyah has been promoted twice and now works as a Systems Engineer at Greenflag.