Keeza | Data Analyst

Keeza’s Life-Changing Journey to a Role in Data
Before joining Generation’s Data Analyst programme Keeza was trying hard to start a career in data, but with no educational background or training in the field, she was finding herself at a huge disadvantage. Keeza tried to self-learn the tools and technologies required to work as a data analyst, but as someone with ADHD found unstructured and unsupported learning very challenging.
“I was getting rejected from the graduate roles I applied to as they are very competitive and I was up against people with an academic background in the field, with degrees such as computer science or business analytics. I realised I was unlikely to be successful in this field without any official training programme on my CV, so I started looking at courses.”
Keeza applied for Generation’s Data Analyst programme after hearing about it from a friend. On the programme, she was able to develop her knowledge further and get the hands-on experience she was looking for.
“A friend mentioned Generation to me so I researched the company and the programme, and it seemed too good to be true, but I applied and was successful!
Generation helped me bridge this gap and level the playing field when applying to jobs. Generation also taught me the behavioural skills and mindset I would need after I secured a job.”
After completing the bootcamp in March 2024, Keeza secured a job as a Risk Pricing Analyst with one of Generation’s employer partners, Hastings Direct.
“The company has a great culture. Two months in, I have worked one-to-one with seniors and learnt so much more than I ever expected.
Gaining employment has helped me in a number of ways: The financial stability I have now has greatly improved my quality of life, I am also able to support my family better than I could before which is very rewarding. I have a vision of the next 10 years of my life now, and goals which keep me motivated and excited.
Less than a year after discovering a passion for data, I’ve already landed an amazing job in this highly competitive field. It blows my mind, and that is thanks to Generation!”